This is the best kind of porn. Two normal, average people having sex. I love when he cums in her. I wish she would have screamed and moaned a bit more, but overall this is so fucking erotic
Nothing beats REAL natural sex where a man ejaculates inside a woman. It is the gold standard. I’d rather cum inside a fat/ugly girl than fuck a supermodel wearing a condom. Condom sex doesn’t even count as real sex in my opinion. It’s bullshit, on par with getting a lapdance. It’s mildly fun, but it isn’t sex.
Fabulous fucking guys definitely sounds n looks great fun xx
This reminds me of my relationship with my best friend of 20+ years. She is a big woman like her. Usually we were just buddies. But if I was horny or lonely she’d take care of me. I could get a quick BJ if I needed one, or we could kiss, have sex, and spend the night in her bed. Not that I’m married we don’t do that stuff anymore, but we share some nice memories.